Monday, December 17, 2012

Still going

I find myself tired and rundown this morning. I tossed and turned all night because both of my children seem to find their way to my bed last night and then my husband who is never up at 5:30 in the morning decides he going to play star wars online this morning with the volume blaring. I am still going strong on the scarf for my father-in-law. It is a little tedious because I am doing it in all knit stitches. I did learn yesterday how to change out yarn in the middle of a project. I used the same color for the hat that I used for the scarf so when I finished the hat I used the remaining skein to start the scarf. I then had to change out when that skein ran out. I am very please with how flat the scarf is laying. I am hoping to finish this project by tomorrow evening or early the next morning. I then plan on finishing my kindle case and make a hat for my daughter to wear. I think I will slow down a little at the first of the year to keep me from getting burned out but also to learn some new things like cable stitches, double knitting, and changing out colors/adding color to patterns. Well until tomorrow, I am off to finish that scarf.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

well another day

I managed to finish my father-in-laws hat yesterday and started the scarf to match. I found that if you garter stitch instead of stockinette because the stockinette turns into a tube. I am getting a little quicker at the seed stitch but it is still a slow process. I am learning about the different patterns and textures that different combinations of stitches make. I look forward to learning so much more about the art of knitting. 

Saturday, December 15, 2012

My First Post

Hi my name is Bethany and I am here to talk about my new hobby, Knitting. I am just beginning and have only complete a couple of projects. I have finished a scarf and a hat. I finally figured out how to use circular needles and dpns. I have had minor success with these tools. I am in the middle of finishing a hat and scarf set for my father-in-law for Christmas. This morning I needed a small break from the hat and started on my case for my kindle. I learned a new technique this morning called seed stitch. It took some time for me to figure it out, I didn't realize you have to move the working yarn from front to back and vise verse when k1 p1. I look forward to seeing the finished product but this will be my first project with buttons and button holes. I am hoping to find lots of projects to keep me busy. After the first of the year I will start my Christmas presents for the following Christmas but then I hope to create 200 hats and scarfs to donate to a local homeless shelter for next winter. I may be setting the goal a little high but with hard work, determination, and motivation I believe that I can accomplish my goal.